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Bag Units

Bags Units

Designed for the extraction of large particles of waste, ie., softwood and hardwood shavings from planer Thicknesser’s, 4 sided planer, Tenoner’s, Spindle Moulders etc.


Multifilter Bag Units

Designed for the extraction of mixed size wood waste particles, i.e. medium and coarse particles including small shavings. Making it an ideal unit for a control system serving a mixture of machine types, like Circular Saws, Band Saws,  Rip Saws, Re-Saws, Chop Saws, Cross Cut Saws, Planer Thicknessers, Spindle Moulders, 4 sided planer, Tenoner’s etc.


Enhanced filtration bag units

Designed for the extraction of small size wood waste particles, i.e. small and medium particles making it an ideal unit for a control system serving a mixture of machine types. Including Circular Saws, Band Saws, Sanders, Chop Saws, Cross Cut Saws, Rip Saws, Re-Saws etc.

Specialists in Dust Extraction | Operating across the UK 
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