TR40: LEV Guidance for Workplace Health
BESA & ILEVE have released new guidance for LEV best practices that aims to reduce the risk of workers contracting serious health conditions
Why Do I Have To Reduce Exposure Further If It Is Already Below The Limit?
Workplace Exposure Limits = WEL A measurement of the maximum amount of a hazardous substance to which anyone in a workplace can be...
Do manufacturers of woodworking machinery and other plants have a responsibility to design the machi
YES Machinery must be so designed, constructed and/or equipped that risks due to gases, liquids, dust, vapours and other waste materials...

What are the health effects of exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS)?
Respiratory Crystalline Silica (RCS) is hazardous to health, exposure can lead to respiratory diseases: Occupational Asthma, Chronic...
What are the toxic effects of wood?
In bulk, wood is unlikely to give rise to toxic effects. The hazardous forms that may give rise to health risks are: DUST SAP, latex or...
What Is The Appropriate Construction For A Spraybooth?
A spraybooth or enclosure should be of half hour fire resistant construction. If spraying is carried out in a partial enclosure, a work...

Which signs must be displayed in my woodworking workshop?
SAFETY SIGNS A safety sign is either a signboard or handsignal, etc. Signboards are required to be a combination of a specified colour...

What are acceptable roof discharge arrangements?
THE COOLIE HAT COWL SHOULD NOT BE USED It reduces dispersion, deflects discharged air down for re-entry to the building, and increases...
When should Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) be worn to control exposure to Respirable Crystal
RCS Respirable Crystalline Silica is hazardous to health: it can cause Occupational Asthma, COPD and Silicosis. The control of Substances...