Can Plastic/UPVC and PP Ductwork be used for connection to Fume Extraction systems?
For some fumes non metal duct of the correct specification may be acceptable. The properties of the fume concerned needs to be checked...
Can Plastic/UPVC and PP Ductwork be used for connection to Dust Extraction systems?
No, plastic ducting is not usually suitable for movement of particles (i.e. dust /shavings) as these may require a higher velocity than...
Can I have an Open Filter Unit in the Workshop?
ALL Open Bag Filter Units pose an explosion risk which increases with the airflow through the unit. Therefore the larger units pose a...

What are the Noise Regulations?
The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, effective from April 2006. The following table highlights the differences between the old...
Is the sound level section of my P&J LEV report a noise assessment survey?
NO, it is not a full sound level survey. During the LEV Inspection P&J do not undertake a full noise survey, but the measurements are...
What is the purpose of the P&J LEV plant regular maintenance log?
The purpose of the maintenance log is to enable you to comply with the requirement in the COSHH Regulations 2002, as amended 2004, that...
What Information is required in a Commissioning (Initial) Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) assessment
To comply with Regulation 9 of the COSHH Regulations 2002, as amended 2004, a thorough examination and test of LEV must be carried out at...

Can the Commissioning (Initial) Assessment of my Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) be done at the same
It is preferable to have the Commissioning (Initial) Assessment completed once the extraction system has settled into normal operation...
What are the questions the HSE tell you to ask your LEV supplier?
To accompany the new requirements for LEV detailed in HSG258 2008, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have released a publication...